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Terms and conditions

Article 1 / Duration of stay

The customer after receipt of his reservation concluded for a fixed period may not under any circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises.


Article 2 / Reservation formalities

The reservation becomes firm upon receipt of the deposit equivalent to the entire stay. By paying the deposit, the customer confirms his full agreement with the general conditions specified below. Please note that until the payment of the deposit is made, the reservation is not confirmed.


Article 3 / Home

Our guest house is suitable for the reception of a maximum of 2 people per lodge, suite or room.


Article 4 / Cancellation of the stay by the customer

Any modification is only possible after the agreement of "Le Bruit de l'Eau" and may incur additional costs.
In the event of cancellation of the reservation before the start of the stay, it will be due, as a penalty clause by the customer, an indemnity fixed as follows:

  • If the cancellation occurs more than 8 days before the date of arrival, the payment of the nights is acquired by "Le noise de l'eau" unless we manage to re-let the room(s). If we manage to re-let the room, the deposits paid are available free of charge to make a new reservation in the current year. In the event of cancellation within 8 days or early departure during the stay, full payment of the reserved services is due.


Article 5 / Cancellation insurance

No cancellation insurance is included in our rates. It is therefore strongly recommended to subscribe to one via our site.


Article 6 / Cancellation of the stay by the owner

If, before the start of the stay, the owner has to cancel the reservation, he must immediately inform his client by email. The customer will then be immediately and fully reimbursed for the sums he has already paid. He will also receive compensation equal to the penalty he would have incurred if the cancellation had been made by him on that date.


Article 7 / Time of arrival

The client must arrive on the day specified when booking, at the earliest at 3:00 p.m. (time of availability of the lodges) and, at the latest, at 7:00 p.m. The customer will imperatively inform by email or by telephone on 07 69 66 65 94 if, by force of circumstance, he is forced to arrive after this time slot. Arrivals are not possible after 9 p.m.


Article 8 / Time of departure

Check-out time is 11 a.m. at the latest.


Article 9 / Payment of the accommodation balance

The balance of the stay including any additional breakfasts, dinners and rental on site will be paid the day before departure, at the customer's initiative.


Article 10 / Pets

Pets are not allowed. And no exceptions are possible


Article 11 / Art of living and use of premises

It is requested not to smoke inside the rooms and common areas. The customer undertakes to return the rooms in perfect condition at the end of the stay and to systematically declare and financially assume any damage for which he is responsible. Guests' attention is drawn to the fact that minors living on the property are placed under the sole and entire responsibility of their parents or persons having authority over them. Le Bruit de l'Eau cannot accept responsibility for loss, theft and/or damage or injury to property and/or persons on the property.


Article 12 / Modification of the conditions of sale

These conditions of sale are subject to change at any time and without notice. Acceptance and compliance with these conditions of sale are deemed acquired as soon as the deposit is paid.


Article 13 / Data Protection Act

In accordance with law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the right to access and rectify data concerning you. We make a commitment not to transmit in any case the information which you communicated to us with other companies or organizations.

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